So... for all of you who don't want to waste an entire spindle of DVDs and a precious afternoon that could have been put to good use like snowboarding, I'm going to attach a little script that will set you up. All you have to do is burn the image file onto a disc when its done running.
Sony CX-12 AVCHD camcorder (I think every AVCHD camcorder on the market will work with this approach)
Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray player (The player needs to read DVDs and DVD DLs if you have 8gb flash cards in your camera)
Mac OS 10.5. Linux with newfs_udf util should work too.
I would recommend 4gb cards in the camera. 4gb is a good 30 minutes of video. Nobody wants to watch the entire fourth-grade christmas concert anyway.
When you plug the card in, it will show up as a volume. Usually /Volumes/Untitled. From there, run the script ./ There are some arguments and I didn't do a ton to make this script robust. It covers the bases.
s=size in MB (Default is 4096)
d=image file directory
n=new volume name (default is AVCHD)
f=image file name (default is tmp)
v=source volume (default is /Volumes/Untitled)
So ./ -s 100 -d ~/VideoBackUp -f 11-13-08 will create a 100mb file called 11-13-08.img in the ~/VideoBackUp directory.
Here is the script:
#Default volume size in MB
#Default image location - the current directory
#Default image file name
#Target volume name
#Destination volume name
#Source Volume location
#parse arguments
while getopts "h:s:d:n:f:v:" optionName; do
case "$optionName" in
h) printHelpAndExit 0;;
s) base_size="$OPTARG";;
d) img_file_dir="$OPTARG";;
n) new_volume_name="$OPTARG";;
f) img_file_name="$OPTARG";;
v) source_volume="$OPTARG";;
\?) echo "Valid options are\ns=size in MB (Default is 4096)\nd=image file directory\nn=new volume name (default is AVCHD)\nf=image file name (default is tmp)\nv=source volume (default is /Volumes/Untitled)\nh=help" >&2
exit 1
:) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
exit 1
#test validity of source and destinations
echo "Source volume is $source_volume"
if [ ! -d $source_volume ]
echo "Source Directory of $source_volume does not exist"
exit 1
if [ ! -d $source_volume/AVCHD/BDMV ]
echo "Source Directory of $source_volume does not contain a BDMV source"
exit 1
#Create an image file matching the size of arg z
echo "Disc Image size will be $base_size"
echo "Disc Image location will be $img_file_dir/$img_file_name.img"
echo "Creating new image file. This may take a few minutes..."
dd if=/dev/zero of="$img_file_dir/$img_file_name.img" bs=$((1024 * 1024)) count=$base_size
#Create a UDF FS from the image with the volume name of arg n
echo "Creating a UDF FS on $img_file_dir/$img_file_name.img with volume name of $new_volume_name"
newfs_udf -r 2.5 "$img_file_dir/$img_file_name.img" -v $new_volume_name
#Mount the image file
hdiutil mount -nobrowse "$img_file_dir/$img_file_name.img"
#copy files from source volume to the newly mounted image file
echo "Copying source materials to new image file. This may take a several minutes..."
cp -R $source_volume/AVCHD/* /Volumes/$new_volume_name/
#Rename source files
echo "Renaming source files"
for f in /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/STREAM/*MTS
nf=`basename $f MTS`m2ts
echo "$f and $nf"
mv $f /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/STREAM/$nf
#INDEX Files
echo "Renaming clip and index files"
mv /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/INDEX.BDM /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/index.bdmv
mv /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/MOVIEOBJ.BDM /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/MovieObject.bdmv
#Clip Files
echo "Renaming clip files"
for f in /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/CLIPINF/*CPI
nf=`basename $f CPI`clpi
echo "$f and $nf"
mv $f /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/CLIPINF/$nf
#MPL Files
echo "Renaming mpl files"
for f in /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/PLAYLIST/*MPL
nf=`basename $f MPL`mpls
echo "$f and $nf"
mv $f /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/PLAYLIST/$nf
#Blu Ray Compliance
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BDJO
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/JAR
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/AUXDATA
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BACKUP
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BACKUP/BDJO
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/CERTIFICATE
mkdir /Volumes/$new_volume_name/CERTIFICATE/BACKUP
cp /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/*.bdmv /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BACKUP/
cp -R /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/PLAYLIST /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BACKUP/
cp -R /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/CLIPINF /Volumes/$new_volume_name/BDMV/BACKUP/
#Unmount the image
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/$new_volume_name
echo "Success... you can now burn this with Disk Utility"